The lodge is the second-to-last building on the left as you travel downhill from the top of the Bruce. The lodge can comfortably accommodate 32 people at any one time, with bunkrooms made up of four or six bunks. There is a large kitchen, dining and lounge area – complete with wood burner fire, which provides ample space for relaxation and conversation, even when the lodge is full. Other facilities available include a drying room, separate male and female bathrooms, lockers, ski/snowboard racks, ski & snowboard-waxing equipment, an outdoor balcony, and of course, many friendly and welcoming members. The club membership is made up of many families with age groups that vary from 2 years to 82 years. Membership is limited to 250 members so that all members have the opportunity to enjoy the club. Continuous regular maintenance and upgrading is carried out, mainly by members on various work parties throughout the year. All members are encouraged to participate in at least one work party each year. Work parties are generally a lot of fun and a good way to catch up with old friends or make new ones. Voluntary wardens are responsible for organising the duty roster at the club each day and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of those staying at the club. The wardens test things such as fire and evacuation procedures. During the ski season, a Custodian is employed to oversee the physical running of the lodge. Usually, the custodian will cook dinner and be present during the week when a warden may not be available. Snowline Ski Club